Soccer thinks it is time for a little snack, but seem to be having problems getting into the bag. If given a little time I bet he will figure out a way.
The three amigos. Casey, Soccer, and Lilly. What are they waiting for? Ms. June from Aiken Pet Sitters to come see them, or maybe for someone to open a can of tuna. Whatever the reason, you can bet that food is involved!
Even though Mr Big Boy had to be boarded, his sister, Little Missy got to stay at the house. Boy was that a fun Christmas with 5 cats in the house at one time.
Another cousin, Mr. Big Boy came once for Christmas. Since he does not do well in the house, he stayed at All Paws Kennels. His sister stayed at the house with the rest of the cats. He was visited every day while he was there.
This is Max. I think he has doggy ADD or something. He can not stay still for a minute, especially if a camera comes out. He constanly runs around the yard and will never stand still for a picture like his sister Hershey. Max and Hershey came from the same litter, believe it or not. They look nothing alike. The litter had some chocolate lab looking puppies like Hershey, some like Max, and at least one black and white spotted.
This is Casey, the old man of the group. He is over 15 years old and not in very good health. He takes thyroid medicine daily. He does have to keep the younger cats in line, however. Favorite pastime is waiting on the kitchen counter for someone to open a can of tuna.
Its me Soccer, and I am a handsome dude if I do say so myself. As you can see I am the cat's meow. Before long you will be meeting the "and friends" of this blog. You will get to meet the old man, Casey, my older brother. You will also meet my "little sister" Lilly. I also have a brother and sister, Max and Hershey. I think they are adopted.. They live outdoors and are real dogs.